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Unprecedented Success of the Paperless Lab Academy 2015

The Paperless Lab Academy 2015, held in Barcelona this month has reached a new standard amongts the lab informatics european events and has become the most recommended from visitors and vendors.

What a great event, what a spectacular venue and who ever ordered the weather is to be congratulated! It’s a long time once I was at a meeting where everyone was so complementary. Jane Mc Laughin, director at george james Ltd

Outsourcing, end-of-life LIMS, and disruptive technologies such as the cloud, are driving changes to the laboratory informatics landscape

The Paperless Lab Academy continues to be possibly the most interesting and thought-provoking event dealing with laboratory informatics. By providing a synoptic overview of the informatics landscape and identifying trends and developments for the future, this year’s meeting of the PLA if anything surpassed the event in Amsterdam last year.

The place to feel the pulse of informatics

Last year, Scientific Computing World reported not only on how Paperless laboratories do better science but also on the disrupting effect that the cloud might have on traditional LIMS vendors and the impact of process analytic quality control on the traditional QC laboratory.

This year  Scientific Computing World  also summarises  in a series of reports  the 2015 Paperless Lab Academy. The first one  Out with the old and out with the external . The second article Lost knowledge and dead data  explores the issues surrounding outsourcing in more detail, while the third discusses Disruptive technologies in informatics.


computing scientific  worldpaperless lab academy


El evento Paperless Lab Academy 2015, celebrado en Barcelona este mes ha alcanzado un nuevo estándar de entre  los eventos europeos sobre informática de laboratorio y se ha convertido en el más recomendado por parte  de los visitantes y proveedores.

¡Qué gran evento, que lugar espectacular y se debe felicitar  al que se encargo del tiempo ! Hace mucho que no atendía una reunión donde todo el mundo era tan complementario.  Jane Mc Laughin, director en george james Ltd

La externalización, los LIMS  al final de su ciclo de vida y las tecnologías de punta, como la nube, están impulsando cambios en el paisaje informática de laboratorio.

The Paperless Lab Academy sigue siendo posiblemente el evento más interesante y estimulante sobre la informática de laboratorio. Al proporcionar una visión sinóptica del paisaje informático y al  identificar las tendencias y desarrollos para el futuro, la reunión del PLA 20’15 se ha superado una vez mas.

El evento  para tomarle el pulso a la informática.

El año pasado, Scientific Computing World informó no sólo sobre cómo los laboratorios Paperless hacen mejor ciencia – Paperless laboratories do better science  -, sino también en el efecto perturbador que la nube podría tener sobre los proveedores  LIMS tradicionales –  the disrupting effect that the cloud might have on traditional LIMS vendors – y el impacto del proceso de control de calidad analítica en el laboratorio de control de calidad tradicional –  process analytic quality control

Este año Scientific Computing World también resume en una serie de informes el Paperless Lab Academy 2015. El  primero de ellos trata de lo obsoleto y la externalización  – Out with the old and out with the external  – El segundo artículo d trata de la perdida del conocimiento y los datos muertos – Lost knowledge and dead data –  y explora las cuestiones relacionadas con la contratación externa en más detalle, mientras que el tercero analiza las tecnologías disruptivas en informática – Disruptive technologies in informatics..


computing scientific  worldpaperless lab academy


Paperless Lab Academy 2015, che si è svolto a Barcelona questo mese raggiunge i massimi livelli tra gli eventi Europei di informatica per i laboratori e diventa il più consigliato per i fornitori ed i visitante.

What a great event, what a spectacular venue and who ever ordered the weather is to be congratulated! It’s a long time once I was at a meeting where everyone was so complementary. Jane Mc Laughin, director at george james Ltd

Outsourcing, obsolescenza dei LIMS e tecnologie innovative come il cloud stanno guidando i cambi del panorama dell’informatica per i laboratori

Paperless Lab Academy continua ad essere il più interessante e provocatorio evento che si occupa di informatica di laboratorio. Fornendo una visione sinottica del panorama dell’informatica ed identificando i trends e gli sviluppi futuri, l’edizione di quest’anno di Paperless Lab Academy supera il già grande successo dell’evento svolto l’anno scorso ad Ámsterdam.

Il luogo dove sentire l’impulso dell’informatica

L’anno scorso, Scientific Computing World indicò non solo come i laboratori “Paperless” forniscono migliori risultati scientifici   Paperless laboratories do better science ma anche l’effetto dirompente che il cloud potrebbe avere sui fornitori tradizionali di LIMS  disrupting effect that the cloud might have on traditional LIMS vendors  e l’impatto del controllo di qualità del processo analitico sui tradizionali laboratori QC. process analytic quality control

Quest’anno Scientific Computing World riassume anche in una serie di articoli l’edizione 2015 di Paperless Lab Academy. Il primo Out with the old and out with the external . Il secondo articolo  Lost knowledge and dead data  esplora le questioni relative all’outsourcing in maggiori dettagli, mentre il terzo discute di  Disruptive technologies in informatics.

computing scientific  world paperless lab academy



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