Tag Archives: collaboration

Digital Transformation Journey in a growing pharmaceutical Italian company

When a company like Zeta Farmaceutici Group decides to be part of the industry 4.0 revolution, the journey starts from looking objectively, internally at the actual situation. The business process review identifies the key priorities for digitisation and defines process improvement plan to be implemented along the way. Zeta Farmaceutici Group is an Italian industrial business, comprising a group of companies, specialised in the development, production and distribution of medicines, medical devices, cosmetics, dietary supplements, and biocides. Zeta manufactures and Read More...

MMA : MultiMoment Analysis – Continous Process Improvement

Find Efficiency Killers in your Organization Multi Moment Analysis (MMA) is the statistical technique for determining the proportion of time spent by workers in various defined categories of activity. It permits quick analysis, recognition, and enhancement of job responsibilities, tasks, performance competencies, and organizational work flows. With MMA toolset for execution of the multi-moment-analysis you can get an accurate picture of the activities and the time spend to the individual activity by your staff. Based on the results, you can make Read More...

Scientific Computing World goes Spanish with NL42

This year’s edition of Building a Smart Laboratory has a distinctively Mediterranean feel. NL42 has closely worked with Tom Wilkie, Chairman at Europa Science Ltd for providing a thorough translation into spanish of the “Building a Smart Laboratory 2015“: Diseño del Laboratorio Inteligente 2015. Additionally,  you should find a dedicated article, INFORMATICS IN SOUTHERN EUROPE  about the enormous opportunities for the lab informatics business within the South European región. In parallel with the Paperless Lab Academy, whose 2015 event took place in Barcelona, SCW is looking Read More...