Tag Archives: knowledge management

MMA : MultiMoment Analysis – Continous Process Improvement

Find Efficiency Killers in your Organization Multi Moment Analysis (MMA) is the statistical technique for determining the proportion of time spent by workers in various defined categories of activity. It permits quick analysis, recognition, and enhancement of job responsibilities, tasks, performance competencies, and organizational work flows. With MMA toolset for execution of the multi-moment-analysis you can get an accurate picture of the activities and the time spend to the individual activity by your staff. Based on the results, you can make Read More...

Paperless laboratory do better science

In the first of his three reports from the Paperless Lab Academy (PLA), which took place in Amsterdam, Tom Wilkie from Scientific Computing World,  considers the importance of managing change and the limits to data sharing. Gayle Dagnell, of the contract research organisation Evotec, summed up a central message of the Paperless Lab Academy in Amsterdam earlier this week, when she observed: People initially did not want to change. But after implementation of a new informatics system within the organisation, Read More...


NL42 has recently published in the March 2014 pharmaceutical Spanish review FarmaEspaña Industrial, a translated version of the Peter Boogaard´s article on the paperless mindset today within the pharmaceutical market. Originally published at Scientific Computing, permission granted by the editor. Less is more: adopting self documenting paperless mindset  Peter compares the actual situation of the pharmaceutical market and states “While paperless operations in electronic banking, airline check-in, patient and healthcare, and retail industries, have been accepted as the preferred way Read More...